1. Revolutionize the stereotypical
Asian Org: The Asian American "struggle"
is unique to other minorities. Other minorities
rally around discrimination. Those days
are in the rear view mirror.
walk on egg shells when it comes to political
correctness. If anything, Asians have a
positive stereotype (who ever questioned
numbers crunched by an Asian analyst?!)
The racism that does exist is dwarfed by
"Asian on Asian" discrimination (i.e. a
Beijing man's preconceived notion of Cantonese
woman's dating habits). Inter-Asian discrimination
is rampant but that is different cause that
no one has taken up…
short, Asian American organizations that
focus on battling discrimination stand on
a very short 'soapbox'. The taller platform
is one that aa4a champions encompassing
philanthropy and astutely looking for positive
2. High impact results… NOT a
lot of time: Provide young, Asian American,
professionals easy channels to do philanthropic
works- particularly focusing on youth at
3. Break molds: Organize
Asians into a positive and potent philanthropcal
force and offer non-typical molds. Also,
align with celebrities in having them help
aa4a.org efforts… Why do they help?! Because
we engineer fundraisers that fulfill multiple
agenda points they need met.